Colon Cancer Screening

About 1 in 3 Americans aren’t up to date with their recommended colon cancer screening. Although missing an occasional test might not seem like a big deal, in the case of colon cancer screening, it could be a deadly mistake. About 60% of colon cancer deaths today could be prevented by having screenings when recommended. 

Colon Cancer Screening Q & A

Why should I have a colon cancer screening? 

Colon cancer screening is essential for two reasons. First, it identifies cancer early, when it’s easiest to treat. Secondly, in some cases, screening can prevent colon cancer entirely.

During a screening, Dr. Saslow identifies polyps within your colon. Polyps are growths in your colon lining that can turn into colon cancer. Dr. Saslow can remove polyps promptly to keep you from getting colon cancer.

When should I start colon cancer screening?

We can make an individualized recommendation based on your risk factors. These risk factors include:

  • Age over 45
  • Your ethnicity
  • Family history of colon cancer
  • Genetic syndrome, such as Lynch syndrome
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • High-fat diet

Because many of these factors are controllable, it’s critical to work with a gastroenterology specialists to minimize your risk. A few lifestyle changes right now could keep you from developing colon cancer in the future. 

What are the options for colon cancer screening?

There are two basic kinds of colon cancer tests, stool-based tests, and structural tests. 

Stool-based tests

Stool-based tests, including the fecal immunochemical test, guaiac fecal occult blood test, and multi-target stool DNA test, check your stool for signs of polyps, such as traces of blood in your stool. 

Structural tests

There are three types of structural tests: flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and computed tomography (CT) colonography. During these tests, Dr. Saslow actually views your colon in detail. In a colonoscopy, Dr. Saslow can also remove polyps. These procedures happen in a hospital or surgical center and require some preparation, such as laxative or enema use.

The colon cancer screening that’s right for you depends on your health, your preferences, and Dr. Saslow’s recommendations. Depending on the type of screening you have and your situation, you might need colon cancer screening yearly, every three years, every five years, or every 10 years.