Your shopping list:
You will need to purchase one 10oz bottle of magnesium citrate, a small box of Dulcolax (bisacodyl) 5mg tablets, a 238g container of MiraLAX and a total of 64oz of Gatorade (no red or purple dyes) over the counter.
Starting five days prior to procedure: you will need to avoid foods with seeds and fibrous skin (ie: corn, lettuce, cucumber, most fruit.) and stop all fiber supplements like Benefiber or Metamucil.
Two days before your procedure: you may eat lightly all day (avoiding the above-mentioned foods). It is highly recommended to avoid big meals.
Start Clear liquid diet at 5pm
You should take the entire bottle of magnesium citrate at 6pm.
You should place the Gatorade in the refrigerator to chill prior to mixing the prep.
On the day before the procedure: You must be on a clear liquid diet ALL DAY (see attached list).
At 3pm, you should take two 5mg Dulcolax tablet.
You will need to make your prep solution- mix 238 g of MiraLAX® with 64 oz of Gatorade. At 6pm, begin to drink three quarters of the solution (48 ounces). Refrigerate remaining solution. You may drink clear liquids only after this.
On the morning of the procedure: Begin drinking the second portion (16 ounces) FOUR hours prior to arrival time. If you must travel to get to our office, start the prep earlier than four hours ahead of the arrival time (ie: if you drive an hour, start the prep FIVE hours prior to the arrival time).
Even if your stool is turning clear, please do your best to complete the entire solution.
If you chew tobacco, you may not chew for SIX hours prior to your arrival time.
Absolutely NOTHING by mouth for TWO hours prior to arrival- no water, gum, mints, hard candies. This is for your safety because you will be sedated for the exam. Failure to comply with this will result in a delay or possible cancellation of your procedure. Please take any necessary medications before this time.
You should plan to be here for two hours from check in to check out, and you must have a ride home afterwards.
Tips and Tricks for completing the preparation
You may find it easier to drink the solution if you use a straw with the end at the back of your throat (to bypass the taste buds).
Each time you drink some of the solution, you may also drink some water or clear fluids (like apple juice) to help get rid of any unpleasant taste in your mouth.
Lime or lemon juice can neutralize the flavor of the prep- you may suck on a lime or lemon- or put a drop or two on your tongue between glasses of preparation.
You may find it easier to drink the solution if you chill it in the refrigerator first.
Please call (970) 259-9369 with questions.
Clear Liquid Diet
Allowed to drink:
Tea (no cream or milk)
Black coffee (no cream or milk)
Flavored water without red or purple dye
Clear, light colored juices such as apple, white grape, white cranberry
Clear broth
Sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade (no red or purple dyes)
Popsicles without fruit or cream, no red or purple dyes
Jell-O or other gelatin without fruit; no red or purple dyes
Not allowed to drink:
Alcoholic beverages
Orange juice
Grapefruit juice
Tomato juice
Protein drinks
Soup (other than clear broth)
Cooked cereal
Any kind of juice, popsicles and gelatins with red or purple dyes